The How, When and Why of Writing Autofiction

Image: a colorful pair of wings are painted on a cinderblock wall. Seeming to float midair in front of the wings as if they belong to her, a woman sits crosslegged.
Photo by Designecologist

Todays post is by author Adele Annesi (@WordforWords).

As a writer and instructor of autofiction, I find the genre an inspirational way to explore pivotal life experiences. In this nexus of fact and fiction, writers can mine, select and transform their real life journeys, turning points and discoveries into story. First, let’s define the genre.

Working definition of autofiction

Short for autobiographical fiction, autofiction uses elements of autobiography and fiction to examine decisive aspects of the writer’s life. The writer then melds these realities with fictional plot elements, characters and events in a way that often reads like memoir or autobiography. With the lines of fact and fabrication blurred, readers are engaged in wondering what’s real, what isn’t, and how they can figure out which is which. So whether you write fiction, nonfiction or both, at some point you’ll probably consider this genre. Here are its features.

  • Names: Autofiction writers may have the same name as or a name similar to that of their protagonist.
  • Parallels: Autofiction includes similarities between the writer’s and protagonist’s life. For example, the protagonist may also be a writer so the story may explore the role of writing in the character’s life and may include elements of metafiction: writing about writing and storytelling.
  • Uncertainty: In a genre that blurs reality, there is an organic tension in the story over what’s real and what isn’t. This engages the reader in thinking deeply about the work and the protagonist’s (writer’s) life.

Autofiction examples:

  • On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (2019): Named a Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Best Fiction, this work by Ocean Vuong is a letter from a son to a mother that unearths a family history rooted in Vietnam and serves as a window into aspects of the son’s life his mother never knew.
  • Every Day Is for the Thief (2007): This bestselling first novel, in diaristic form, by acclaimed Nigerian-American Teju Cole depicts a young man’s journey to Nigeria to discover his roots.
  • A Death in the Family (2012): One of the Guardian’s 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, this novel series by Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard examines childhood, family and grief.

All about adaptation

The auto aspect of autofiction often shares more with memoir than autobiography because the story the writer chooses to tell doesn’t usually cover their entire life. Rather, the writer selects key events, turning points and discoveries that revolve around and elucidate one main theme. Other characters, settings and events can be fabricated to support what the story is about.

To begin the autofiction journey, consider the exploratory dreamstorming technique described in From Where You Dream, by Robert Olen Butler. Here is Butler’s general principle. Go to your writing space, and give yourself time to remember, to watch yourself move through your life. The journey doesn’t have to be linear or chronological. As you recall your life, list your experiences and why they might figure into your story.

Once you have an initial list, differentiate it between events and turning points. Describe what led up to these occurrences, and note their outcome. Beside each, list what you learned or discovered. To develop these moments, consider this from The Situation and the Story, by Vivian Gornick. “Every work of literature has both a situation and a story. The situation is the context or circumstance … the story is the emotional experience that preoccupies the writer: the insight, the wisdom, the thing one has come to say [about the circumstance].”

Reflect on how to arrange your experiences and their depiction, as well as what you’ve learned, possibly in order of increasing clarity. You might save the most important discovery for last or use it as a prologue, promising the reader you’ll reveal how your discovery or change came about and how it impacted your life.

Last, decide how much to tell and how accurately to tell it. Writers are at liberty to decide how much of their life events they want to reveal and how precisely they want to reveal them. One way to decide is what twentieth-century English author (of the Lord Peter Wimsey novels) and essayist Dorothy Sayers described as “serving the work”, meaning whatever best accomplishes your vision for the story.

Revising and completing autofiction

What She Takes Away by Adele Annesi

All revision occurs in stages. In autofiction, perhaps more than other genres, the writer uses trial and error to decide whether to depict key story points as mini-scenes, straight narrative, dialogue, summary, or a combination thereof. It’s also important to balance how much of an insight to depict overtly and how much to present as interiority—what a character thinks/feels. And since your story’s theme can change, even in autofiction, consider writing the story first for itself, then revising it based on what you feel it’s really about.

My autofiction novel What She Takes Away (Bordighera Press, 2023) began with a real event—my family’s decision whether to move to Italy. Recalling that time, the warp and weft of family life, and the role of discovery in creativity inspired an entire novel. And if the writer is inspired, the reader will be, too.

Additional reading

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Sher Davidson

I loved this post probably because it gave me greater insight and also a “name” for what I write—autofiction—story gleaned from my own life’s experiences over 81 years—a long enough time to have much to “unpack.” Thank you.

Adele Annesi

Thanks, Sher. Glad the post was helpful. It’s definitely a benefit to put a name to what we do, as that provides context.

Albert Sipes

I didn’t have a term the described some elements of me writing. Now I do know; ‘autofiction’. Thank you!

Adele Annesi

Glad the post was helpful. Autofiction is resurging so there may be more opportunities in this genre, going forward.

Leslie Ferguson

Great article! I’m writing my second book now and enjoying the autofiction genre to explore family relationships, marriage and divorce, and the discovery of self through travel. I will return to this article for its tips and reading recommendations!

Adele Annesi

Hey, Leslie: Glad this was helpful. It’s precisely for the purposes of exploration and discovery that autofiction works so well. Keep us posted on your writing.

Karla Huebner

Given that readers and critics have historically often disparaged “thinly disguised autobiography” and the roman à clef (although the latter is not always primarily autobiographical), does autofiction tend to prompt a different response? That is, is autofiction seen as being more forthright (closer to memoir) or less inclined to embarrass or annoy the author’s friends and family?

Jane Friedman

From my perspective, autofiction falls on the literary side of the spectrum—written and published by the sorts of authors who come out of MFA programs and/or get written about in the New Yorker. So it carries some amount of prestige, but that’s not really because of the reasons you mention. An author in this genre: Annie Ernaux, who just won the Nobel. Rachel Cusk. Karl Ove Knausgaard.

Adele Annesi

Great questions. A key consideration in any genre of fiction that incorporates elements of real life, especially the writer’s life, is that what the writer chooses to include (events, turning points, discoveries) serve the work, meaning the story, not the writer. This includes avoiding confessional and/or an agenda-laden efforts. Readers instinctually know the difference. As to autofiction in particular, the writer has the freedom, perhaps the responsibility, to consider how, when and to what degree to include and/or fictionalize real events and people. As writers, we can emphasize the “fiction” aspect while remaining true to the tory. That said, an essential element in any labor or work of art is integrity.

Beverly Parayno

Thank you for this Adele! I love and write autofiction and many of my stories in WILDFLOWERS are autofiction. Regarding the writing exercises you offer to get started, I wanted to say that I don’t always focus on the outcome or what I learned part in the beginning of the process because I want to see first what comes out in early drafts. I also have fairly open-ended endings as it’s my hope the character continues on in the journey beyond what’s on the page. Thank you again for your piece and for giving a spotlight on autofiction.

Last edited 2 months ago by Beverly Parayno
Adele Annesi

Hi, Beverly:

Glad the post validated what you’re already doing. And great insight on the open-endedness of journeys. They do continue in real life so why not in fiction. As to drafts, I find the second draft, after the initial outline or however the story first manifests, to be an exciting phase – in essence, a discovery draft. For me, that’s where the potential for additional points of view, plot threads, and thematic elements come to light. Once those surface, I also have a better sense of what I don’t need. Writing is truly organic and dynamic!