Image: A roughly-fashioned cardboard sign on which is written in black magic-marker "All you need is less".

Writing a Really Short Book Description Is Harder Than It Looks

A well-crafted book blurb gives us just enough to care, to empathize with the protagonist’s plight, and leaves us wanting just a bit more.
Image: a redheaded woman wearing a green dress stands in front of green curtains. In each upturned hand she holds two books, weighing them against one another in the manner of scales of justice.

I Received Conflicting Advice on My Query Letter. What Now?

When a query letter receives conflicting feedback from professionals, how does an unpublished writer decide what to believe?
Image: a large tree with many thick, gnarled limbs stands deep within lush, green woods.

Book Family Tree: A New Way to Think About Your Book

When choosing comp titles, try envisioning your book as an entry on a family tree to help identify both close and distant relations.
Image: nine colorful wood blocks are stacked atop each other in a 3 by 3 square on a tabletop. Eight of the blocks are painted with a white arrow pointing to the right but one block, which is breaking away from the grid, is painted with a red arrow pointing to the left.

Pitch Yourself Before You Pitch Your Book

If your query letter isn’t standing out from the pack, consider leading with what makes you, not your story, compelling.
Image: a pair of eyeglasses rests on a table next to a smartphone which is displaying a ChatGPT interface.

How to Find Comp Titles Using ChatGPT

These five steps will help you find your ideal comp titles for your query letter or book proposal, using ChatGPT. Includes sample prompts.
Photo of Jeff Herman with the following quote: There’s an old Jewish saying, You can only dance at one wedding at a time. I think that sums up why so many writers never hear back from agents.

Querying & Submitting in 2023: Q&A with Jeff Herman

Jeff Herman is the author of Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition.
Image: dozens of arrows with different styles of colorful fletching stand vertically, in front of archery targets.

What I Learned From 90 Queries

Even with an excellent query and opening pages, you’ll still get rejections. A lot of them. Success comes to those who refuse to give up.
Image: a woman's hand hovers above a row of standing dominoes.

How Writing Your Synopsis Can Fix Your Book

More than just a tool to sell your book, your synopsis is a roadmap to making the next draft of your manuscript much stronger.
Image: a cascade of blank Post-It notes are stuck to a desk near a keyboard and marker.

How to Use a Long-Form Synopsis to Plan Your Novel

Whether you’re a planner or a pantser, this brainstorming document can take your story to places it might not have gone otherwise.
Laura Zats and T.S Ferguson

How Important Is Genre When Pitching and Promoting Your Book?

Two literary agents discuss the usefulness and limits of assigning a genre to writing, and how it’s perceived by publishers and readers.
Image: hundreds of paper snowflakes hanging by threads from a ceiling

How to Find Compelling Comps for Your Book

Identifying comparable titles helps agents and publishers understand where your book fits in the market and who your most likely readers are.
how to write a novel synopsis

How to Write a Novel or Memoir Synopsis

Learn how to craft a strong novel synopsis, while avoiding the most common mistakes, including the dreaded "synopsis speak."
Image: a pair of cufflinks with question marks on them.

The Complete Guide to Query Letters

The query letter has one purpose, and one purpose only: to seduce the agent or editor into reading or requesting your work. The query letter is so much of a sales piece that it's quite possible to write one without having written a word of the manuscript. All it requires is a firm grasp of your story premise.
novel query problems

When Your Query Reveals a Story-Level Problem

When novelists struggle to pitch their work, it may have more to do with the book itself than the query letter. Editor and book coach Susan DeFreitas discusses three reasons why a promising work never lands a traditional deal.
confusion on query letters

The Conflicting Advice You’ll Receive on Query Letters

At its core, a query letter is a sales document, and so it’s meant to sell. But opinions differ on the best possible sales approach in a query.
how to improve query letter

How to Immediately Improve Your Query Letter’s Effectiveness

In my many years of critiquing queries, I see the same weaknesses again and again. Here are the biggest issues that afflict novel queries and how you can fix them.
query letter

How Much Should You Personalize a Query Letter?

Some agents and editors say that personalizing a query letter can backfire. Others say the opposite—that it's mandatory. What should you do?
query letters for nonfiction

How to Write a Query Letter: Nonfiction and Memoir

Learn how to pitch your nonfiction book to agents and publishers—whether you're writing memoir, narrative nonfiction, or prescriptive nonfiction.
Why Your Non-Disclosure Agreement Is Probably a Bad Idea

Why Your Non-Disclosure Agreement Is Probably a Bad Idea

Asking an editor or agent to sign a non-disclosure agreement is not part of traditional publishing business practice.