Image: small blocks the size of dice, and bearing letters on them, are arranged in a row on a tabletop. The first block has "posi" written on one face and "nega" written on another face, while the other blocks bear the letters T-I-V-E. Fingers are poised to flip the first block so that the resulting word could be either "positive" or "negative".

Substack Is Both Great and Terrible for Authors

Substack's business model relies on you charging readers, but don’t discount the long-term value of what you offer for free.
Image: a clear lucite box contains dozens of blue pencils standing vertically and tightly packed. At the center of them is a single red pencil.

Your Substack Isn’t For Everyone

To ensure you’re giving value to your audience, make sure you know who your newsletter is for and what they get from it.
Image: brightly-colored graphic illustrating the concept that text on a laptop computer can morph, like a butterfly, into a physical book.

How My Newsletter Helped Me Land an Agent and a Big Five Book Deal

While a newsletter might not sell your book, writing one can change your work for the better and help build valuable relationships.
Image: a couple carries moving boxes through the front door of their empty new home.

Why Authors Should Ditch Mailchimp and Move to Substack

Authors who’ve been using Mailchimp for their email newsletter might consider moving to Substack, as it offers several benefits—and it's free.
Blogging Versus Email Newsletter: Which Is Better for Writers?

Blogging Versus Email Newsletter: Which Is Better for Writers?

A free email newsletter is the better strategic choice when it comes to long-term career development. Blogging works better for reaching new readerships.
email newsletters

Email Newsletters for Authors: Get Started Guide

Everything you need to know to start sending an effective email newsletter.
Mailchimp email newsletter alternatives

MailChimp Alternatives for Authors

Is MailChimp the best choice for your email newsletter? Here's a breakdown of the pros & cons of the three biggest email service providers that authors use.
email autoresponders

My Pop-Up Strategy, Part 2: The Autoresponder Series

How do you treat subscribers after they sign up for your email newsletter? An autoresponder can usefully and effectively welcome people to the community.
Email newsletter

5 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Email Newsletter Performance

How to improve the effectiveness of your email newsletter through very specific changes to your sign-up forms and content.