Recommended Resources

Updated March 2024

None of these freelancers or services have paid to be listed, nor do I receive a commission for referring you. These are all people I’ve either met and worked with directly, or people who have long-standing and respectable reputations in the writing and publishing community.

The Best of My Advice

People and Organizations You Can Trust

Editing and Coaching

If you’ve never before worked with an editor, I urge you to read this post first on finding, hiring, and working with a freelance editor.

  • Andi Cumbo is actively taking clients in fiction and creative nonfiction for developmental edits or manuscript reviews.
  • Writer and editor Susan DeFreitas offers manuscript evaluations and coaching for writers working in speculative and literary fiction, with a focus on social/environmental justice and writers from historically marginalized backgrounds.
  • Anne Trubek founded Belt Publishing and works as a freelance editor as well. Her specialty is nonfiction, but she considers all genres. She can also consult with authors on the business of publishing.
  • Editor Mary-Theresa Hussey worked for many years in traditional publishing and is now a freelancer. She typically works with romance, urban fantasy, and young adult, but is open to many types of fiction.
  • Editor Ellen Brock has been editing novels since 2011 (and is a former university student of mine!).
  • Whether you’re writing a novel, seeking a ghostwriter, or looking to publish a book from your nonfiction expertise, Stuart Horwitz of Book Architecture can help.
  • Lisa Cooper Ellison is an experienced writing coach and thoughtful editor, with a background in mental health.
  • Sarah Chauncey is a developmental editor and writing coach for memoir, narrative nonfiction and book club fiction. 
  • Lynne Griffin is an experienced author and editor who is open to many types of book-length projects, as well as short works.
  • Editor Paul Witcover is a traditionally published author of speculative fiction who can offer editorial help across a range of fiction categories.
  • Mehta Book Editing can help with both children’s and adult work, including young adult, middle grade, commercial women’s fiction, literary fiction, and more.
  • Tessera Editorial offers a manuscript editing across all genres, as well as sensitivity reading.
  • Writing the Other offers classes and resources to write about characters different from you—both sensitively and convincingly.
  • Lexi Services (Melanie Bishop) offers manuscript editing and consulting across genres.
  • I can offer more recommendations if you contact me.

Copyediting and Proofreading

  • Jessica Filippi offers copyediting and line editing for all types of materials: books, articles and blog posts, academic papers, business documents, and much more. She works with both individuals and businesses. She can also be hired for content editing.
  • Kayla Kauffman offers copyediting, proofreading, and document formatting for all types of work, among other services.
  • Tessera Editorial offers copyediting and proofreading services using Chicago Manual of Style. They also offer sensitivity reads.

Query and Synopsis Editing

  • Try Courtney Maum.
  • Jessica Strawser, the former editor of Writer’s Digest, offers a Gut Check Package that helps you perfect your submissions materials. (She often has a waitlist.)
  • Copy Write Consultants offers synopsis editing if you’re struggling with your novel or memoir synopsis.
  • Contact me if you need more suggestions.

Book Design and Production

  • Damonza is a popular choice for self-publishing authors, with economical packages and professional cover and interior design services.
  • Good DIY options include Vellum (Mac) and Atticus (PC).
  • If you need help with print and ebook formatting/conversion, check out eBookPartnership.

Self-Publishing Guidance and Project Management

  • Endeavorink: offers consulting on self-publishing and paid publishing options, as well as project management and book coaching
  • If you’d like to explore a range of services/companies that help you self-publish or that consider themselves hybrid publishers, contact me for a list. However, I do not endorse any particular companies. If you believe that I have endorsed a company, please contact me so that I can offer needed clarification.

Book Marketing and Publicity

  • Best Page Forward offers a book description toolkit to ensure professional and persuasive book marketing copy, especially at Amazon.
  • Publicist Dana Kaye and marketing veteran Sam Missingham offer subscription-based communities to help you with book marketing and promotion.
  • Tara Lewis offers marketing plan strategy and development, press release help, market research and analysis, Amazon keyword and category optimization, and more. She has 20 years of experience in traditional publishing.
  • Contact me for a list of other firms who can help.

Agent & Publisher Research

  • Copy Write Consultants: They prepare agent and publisher lists if you don’t want to research the market yourself.

Permissions | Fair Use | Fact Checking

  • Copy Write Consultants: If you’re struggling with securing permissions, or aren’t sure if you even need permissions, this firm can help you sort through all the questions (and risks). They can also do fact checking on many types of manuscripts.
  • Need help with contract review or negotiation? Suzanne Gosson has more than 30 years of experience in evaluating and negotiating traditional publishing contracts; she can also help with hybrid agreements and other paid publishing arrangements. Email her directly at
  • Adam Losey at Losey can help with copyright and trademark registration, infringement cases, licensing and franchise contracts, and legal issues related to writing about other people.
  • Alan J. Kaufman or Lloyd J. Jassin can help with a range of legal issues related to writing and publishing.

Author Websites

  • I personally work with Writer Digital for website help that goes beyond my level of expertise, as well as Mission Lab (Mission Lab requires minimum spend of about $2,000)
  • Monkey C Media specializes in author websites and has many endorsements from happy clients.
  • Dandelion Web Marketing can help with website launches or redesigns.
  • Author Pop is run by a publishing industry and marketing expert.

A Few More of My Favorite Folks

  • For business advice related to freelancing and journalism: Subscribe/listen to The Writers’ Co-op or join StudyHall.
  • If you’re interested in the literary journal market and publishing your short pieces, subscribe to Lit Mag News.
  • Hope Clark’s Funds for Writers newsletter lists semi-pro or higher paying markets and contests as well as grants, crowdfunding, contests, publishers, agents and employers.
  • Need a platform to help facilitate your writing or critique group? Try Inked Voices.

Additional Industry Resources

Can’t find what you need? Search The Writer’s Knowledge Base for an answer; it’s curated by someone in the business you can trust.

Writers tend to get frustrated and bitter in their attempts to publish—usually because they don’t understand how the publishing industry works, or they have expectations that will never be met. I offer a paid newsletter, The Hot Sheet, that helps remedy that.